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Welcome to Erudite Lifestyle

My name’s Gareth Churchill. I launched this website to help more people gain vital information on looking after their health as they get older.

While I may not be a doctor, qualified nutritionist, or medical expert, I do spend a lot of time researching and investigating pressing health issues. As sadly, this information isn’t always easy to get.

As a 63 year old who’s recently retired from my role as a housing officer at the local council, I understand only too well how important it is to look after our health is as we get older. Now both myself and my wife, Helen, are entering our golden years we want to ensure we’re doing all the right things to keep our brains and bodies health so we can enjoy a full, active retirement.

But after reading some troubling books, including Ben Goldacre’s Bad Pharma, I realized that we’re battling against a system that seems too focused on prescriptions and profits rather than feeding the body what it needs to be fit and healthy.

I’ve since set myself the mission of cutting through all the false information, flawed science, and flat out lies to discover the truth on how many health issues can be better resolved the natural way.

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