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Brain healthOvereating

Is Skipping Breakfast Good for the Brain?

Ever heard the saying “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”?

Well, all I can say is that phrase was coined long before the era of processed food

Because you see, even after a hearty breakfast, many people will grab a mid morning snack… followed by feasting on a carb heavy lunch… a packet of potato chips in the afternoon… and ALL before emptying a full dinner plate.

All this snacking and feasting means our body is constantly digesting food. It NEVER gets a break. 

At best, it gets a tiny window to process a meal before more gets shoved down the chute.

The good news is there’s an easy fix.

Intermittent fasting, or IF for short, for has exploded in popularity as a way of losing weight, relieving indigestion, and triggering all sorts of health benefits.

IF isn’t a diet.

IF is an eating pattern.

The way it works is that a couple of days a week you skip breakfast.

This gives your gut a breather, so it can digest more of the food already in your stomach. It can also burn off some of the fat stored in your cells.

It sounds so simple.

Yet a study in the journal Cell Metabolism showed IF may decrease risk factors for all sorts of diseases. This includes diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. 

IF may boost the brain too.

The reason IF is great for your brain is because it increases levels of the BDNF. BDNF is a protein your brain needs to make new neurons. 

 So BDNF is vital to sustaining a healthy mind.

Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

An animal study by the Queensland School of Biomedical Sciences, Australia, found that IF led to a big boost in neurons in the brain.

If you’d like to know more about IF and how to do it, check out a book called Eat Stop Eat by natural health expert Brad Pilon. 

His book has helped over 54,000 people to lose weight, improve their digestion, and even boost their brain. And all just from skipping breakfast.

Sounds simple. But then why should health need to be complicated.

>>>Click here to find out more about how Brad Pilon’s Eat Stop Eat transformed the lives of 54,000 people



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